Thursday, February 15, 2007

A better world

It may sometimes seem that the world is shallow and petty and focused only on meaningless, superficial concerns. Yet you can choose to live in a better world.
Look at the world in a positive light, and suddenly you've made it a better place. Act on the possibilities that you see, and you give real substance to your positive vision.
By directing your own awareness toward those possibilities, and by acting on them, you make them more vibrant, more visible and more compelling.
By working to improve your own attitude and your own life, you become a living example for all the world to see.

Cut the cables

The energy you spend defending your limitations keeps those limitations solidly in place. But what if you put that energy into something else?
The effort you spend convincing others of your excuses, makes those excuses more real and more burdensome to you. Imagine, instead, simply letting them go.
There is a way to cut those cables. For it is you who has put most of them in place.
Focus your mind, your energy, your spirit, your feelings and emotions on the most joyful and fulfilling scenario you can imagine. Suddenly and profoundly, your reality begins to change.

Everyone can win

Improve your interactions with the people around you by raising your expectations of them. Genuinely respect the diverse opinions and perspectives of others, and you will gain their respect as well.
Keep confrontation as your very last resort rather than your first approach. Set the tone by being respectful and pleasant, and you'll find yourself getting much accomplished.
Just because people disagree with you does not make them your enemies. Take the time to listen, and you might even learn something of real value from them.
With such an approach, everyone can win.

Picture yourself

Think of yourself not in terms of your problems. Instead, identify yourself with your most promising possibilities.
Think of yourself not in terms of your regrets or disappointments. Instead, consider all the valuable and useful lessons you've learned.
The way you picture yourself has a powerful effect on the reality of your life. And you can picture yourself any way you choose.
Picture yourself expressing the best that is within you. Picture yourself living fully, loving sincerely, giving gladly, and bringing unique value to each moment.

The message in this day

What is today telling you? Instead of feeling that you must fight against the events and developments of this day, decide to carefully listen.
Imagine that there's a message in each circumstance that comes your way. Proceed as if you're receiving valuable information that can make a real difference in your life and in your world.
Instead of becoming completely consumed by what's happening, take a moment to consider why. Then go one step further and look at ways you can make use of the new knowledge that is coming your way.
The challenges that arrive, the joys you experience, the disappointments, the discoveries, and the seemingly random happenings all add up to something. Let go of the need to instantly jump to shallow conclusions about each little thing, and seek to know the whole picture.
Choose to see the message that today is bringing. And you'll find in it real treasure.

Bring your vision to life

To change your reality, first change your perceptions. To bring something into your world, first bring it fully to life within yourself.
Go beyond merely thinking about what you would like to do, or be, or create. Go ahead and experience it in detail with all that you are.
Make it real within you, and you'll begin to make it real in the world around you. Know without a doubt that it is, and it will begin to be.
Bring your vision to life on the stage of your awareness. And the positive energy you focus upon it will surely make it real.

Now that you've arrived

It is now officially here. The opportunity of this day has finally arrived.
It's not exactly what you expected. In many ways, though, it is even better than you could have ever imagined.
It will take some effort, to be sure. After all, any opportunity that has real value will also have its share of obstacles to be overcome.
Fortunately, you have what it takes. And with your knowledge, your experience, your focus, commitment and determination, you can turn the opportunity of this day into the reality of achievement.